Hackers Handbook - Millenium Edition
Hackers Handbook.iso
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208 lines
This script was developed and tested on NT4.0 running
ActiveState's ActivePerl build 506. With minor mods,
and the addition of the shebang syntax, it should work
on Un*x, as well.
sweep.pl is a port scanner (I put a the ports in the
'@ports' array...I kept the number small for testing
purposes) that lists which ports are active, grabs
banners/HTTP server/finger output (where available) and
writes it all to a logfile at the same time as to
Feel free to use or modify...just be sure to give
credit where credit is due!!
# sweep.pl
# by Keydet89 <keydet89@yahoo.com>
# 12 Nov 1998
# written and tested on NT 4.0 w/ ActivePerl build 506
# usage 'perl sweep.pl [options]
# [options] => hostname or IP
# sweep a host looking for open ports;
# list of active ports are placed into an array,
# and further information is gathered;
# performs auto-logging
# for www_svr
use LWP::Simple;
# for socket
use IO::Socket;
# for Win32-specific functions
use Win32;
if ($#ARGV < 0) {
# Ports to check
@ports = (21,23,25,79,80,139,12345);
# Assign hostname/IP to variable
$target = $ARGV[0];
print "Checking $target...\n";
# main section
# open log file
# all data written to screen and log
# new scans of same system overwritten
open (LOG,">$target.log");
$ip = name($target);
foreach $port (@ports) {
# Now, collect banner from active ports
print "\nNow checking active ports...\n";
print LOG "\nNow checking active ports...\n";
# Get name or IP, do lookup
sub name {
my ($host) = @_;
# print "\nUsing gethostbyaddr()...\n";
($name,$alias,$addrtype,$length,$new_addr) =
print "Hostname:\t$name\n";
print LOG "Hostname:\t$name\n";
$ipaddr = inet_ntoa(scalar($new_addr));
print "IP:\t\t$ipaddr\n";
print LOG "IP:\t\t$ipaddr\n";
return $ipaddr;
# Get name of WWW Server
sub www_svr {
my ($host) = @_;
($content_type, $document_length, $modified_time,$expires,
$server) = head("http://$host");
print "HTTP Server:\t$server\n";
print LOG "HTTP Server:\t$server\n";
# Check to see if a port is open
sub check_port {
my ($host,$port) = @_;
$remote = IO::Socket::INET -> new (
Proto => "tcp",
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => $port
) ;
if ($remote) {
close $remote;
print "$host:$port=>\tActive\n";
print LOG "$host:$port=>\tActive\n";
push @active_ports, $port;
else {
print "$host:$port=>\tInactive\n";
print LOG "$host:$port=>\tInactive\n";
# subroutine to collect data from active ports
sub get_data {
my ($host) = @_;
foreach $port (@active_ports) {
if ($port == 80) {www_svr($host);}
if ($port == 21) {get_banner($host,$port);}
if ($port == 25) {get_banner($host,$port);}
if ($port == 79) {finger($host);}
if ($port == 110) {get_banner($host,$port);}
if (($port == 139) && Win32::IsWinNT()) {nbt($host);}
# Get banner (single line) from port
sub get_banner {
my ($host,$port) = @_;
$remote = IO::Socket::INET -> new (
Proto => "tcp",
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => $port
) or die "Could not open socket.\n";
$line = <$remote>;
print "$line\n";
print LOG "$line\n";
close $remote;
# Send data to a port, read back all data
# (finger)
sub finger {
my ($host) = @_;
print "Finger $host...\n";
print LOG "Finger $host...\n";
$remote = IO::Socket::INET -> new (
Proto => "tcp",
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => 79
print $remote "\n";
@lines = <$remote>;
close $remote;
foreach $line (@lines) {
print "$line";
print LOG "$line";
print "\n";
print LOG "\n";
# Run nbtstat on the target
sub nbt {
print "\nRunning nbtstat...\n";
my ($host) = @_;
open(NBT,"nbtstat -A $host |");
while(<NBT>) {
print ;
print LOG ;
# Print out usage
sub usage {
print "usage: perl sweep.pl [options]\n\n";
print "\t[options]\tHostname or IP address of target\n";